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4 Kitchen Remodel Design Cost Tips, Getting Started Part 2

When you are planning to remodel your kitchen, it’s tough to know where to begin. You have a lot to consider—what would you like to change, how much will it cost, what features are available, which brand should you select, and more. We would like to help to ease the process—after all, that is what we’re here for! We love to guide our customers through the exciting process of creating the kitchen of their dreams. In this “Getting Started” series, we will be taking you through the major steps of getting your kitchen remodel off the ground.

In Part 1, we started the series by exploring Budget Calculating Tips.


Now we’d like to explore another aspect of the budget: how the kitchen design can affect the cost. Check out 4 tips below for what to consider when planning your kitchen design, as well as how Seigle’s can help you understand and explore the costs.

1. Remember, there are no bad questions. We understand that you have likely never remodeled a kitchen before. It’s something many people only will do once in their lives. Many of your questions probably focus around design, cost, and planning. So we can offer you a few things:

  • A free and open space to ask any question where we won’t pass any judgement on the validity of the question.
  • Expert answers, as we have years and years of experience.

2. Choose a cabinet brand. At Seigle’s Cabinet Center, we offer 6 cabinet brands, so we have a brand for every style and budget. For smaller budgets, we offer production and semi-custom brands, and for higher budgets we offer custom and full-access European frameless cabinetry. The brand you select can heavily influence the overall cost of your project, as cabinets often contribute to 35-40 percent of your overall kitchen remodel project. Our showrooms do an excellent job of demonstrating the features and styles of our various cabinet brands, so stop in to your nearest showroom to understand what is available.

3. Prioritize features. We are sure you have a vision for essential features in your kitchen remodel. Some features will cost more, but the difference will be worth it. Some will cost less than you imagine, which will be an added bonus. Make a list of must-have features and we can point you to the right cabinet brand or the countertop style that will offer you the kitchen of your dreams. A good practice to is make a quick list of what you like about your current kitchen so we can preserve those features, as well as a list of what you dislike, so we make certain to correct those deficiencies. Our designers can also break down the cost for you to show what is adding to your cost, and where you can save.

4. Bring your measurements and ideas in for a free estimate. Our salespeople and designers love to help you on your way to the kitchen of your dreams. We know that every project must start somewhere—we would like to be that somewhere. If you’ve never been through this before, you may have no idea how much a kitchen remodel might cost! Visit us in your nearest showroom, tell us about your project, and we will be happy to answer questions, give you a ballpark range of costs, or move the process along further with a full and detailed estimate. A rough sketch of your kitchen complete with measurements and indications of utility locations (gas/electric/water) is always helpful.  We can’t wait to help you get started.

Make an appointment to visit a Seigle’s showroom today so we can help you get started on your kitchen remodel!

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