When you remodel your kitchen or bathroom, your top goals are probably style and function. You may have an older kitchen that needs updating. In older kitchens, it was common to leave several inches of empty space where cabinets couldn’t fit or spaces were too narrow to be functional. The great news is, now cabinets of all styles offer an incredible way to use every inch of space and make it work for you. With modern accessories, you would be amazed at how we can take advantage of even the narrowest spaces in your kitchen.
Check out a few ways cabinets are working to expand your useful space.
Forget just shelves—now use both your shelves and your cabinet doors to store the max of your favorite goods!
Where we used to just have the end of a cabinet or island, now we can open up that space and add files, cleaning supplies, key hooks, message boards, and more!
What’s a better use of a tiny space than an organizer for tiny bottles?
Forget digging for that bottom pan. It’s way easier to grab pans and cutting boards when they are stored vertically!
What’s better than options you can suit to your taste? Check out 4 uses of the same narrow space. What’s your heart’s desire?
Here are a few more creative, fun pullout drawers that put every inch of your kitchen, laundry room, or bathroom to work!
Are you interested in finding space in your home with Seigle’s? It’s easy to get started on your kitchen remodel with Seigle’s. We can help you from start to finish, with free design and estimates, and even financing with Greensky and install through our ProInstall program.
Make an appointment to visit your nearest Seigle’s today.