Phone: 847-742-2000

Don’t be Fooled by Warehouse Pricing

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When it comes to the best pricing and service, Seigle’s blows the competition away. Many major retailers offer the products, but don’t be fooled into thinking they offer the best price. And when it comes to things that really matter, like service and quality, there is just no comparison to Seigle’s Cabinet Center.

Our very philosophy rests on the idea of providing competitive pricing on top of quality materials in addition to installation and free design assistance. We’re always on time and always responsive, no matter what your need. Our goal is to be recognized as simply the best supplier of cabinetry.

To do this, we offer stock, semi-custom, custom and European inspired full-access frameless cabinetry to satisfy every kitchen style and budget. Since we warehouse the material ourselves, we minimize how often your product is handled to eliminate any potential damage.

We also utilize our own fleet of trucks and drivers in order to best meet your delivery specifications and schedule. We keep the most popular styles in stock AND we inventory the moldings, fillers and panels for every single finish made by Aristokraft.

Our guess – no our assurance – lies in the fact that your typical big brand supplier does not provide the same custom, customer-centric services that Seigle’s offers. Chances are, they cannot compete with our prices either. Take a look at the pricing matrix above to see where we stand against the competition (spoiler alert: we’re the best you can get).

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