When you are planning a remodel, you want to get started immediately. We get it! It’s exciting to prepare to get your kitchen to match the vision of your dream home. In today’s world, we work to keep everything moving as quickly as possible—but we recognize that lead times may be extended due to supply chain issues. Here, we acknowledge the huge benefit of refinancing your remodel with Greensky!
At the time of your remodel order, you have to pay a 50 percent deposit to get the project started. This can make it hard to wait. Because of industry-related delays, it makes sense to finance the kitchen through Greensky. Instead of partially paying for your kitchen that may be several months away from installation, use Greensky to keep your money free and clear for other needs. Greensky has excellent financing offers that make your remodel practical and keep your money in your pocket during any delays.
Are you interested in remodeling with Seigle’s? We can be your one-stop shop—we offer free estimates and design, installation through Pro-Install, and financing through Greensky. Visit your nearest Seigle’s today to get started!