The Seigles New Lenox Showroom is now open, and we are ready to celebrate! Join us to see the latest styles and hottest trends in cabinetry and countertops. Visit with representatives from Aristokraft, Diamond, Decora, DuraSupreme, and KitchenCraft. And stay for Fay’s BBQ!
What: Seigle’s New Lenox Showroom Grand Opening Open House
Where: New Lenox Showroom (inside Crest Lighting), 1918 Ferro Drive, New Lenox, IL 60451. Get directions on our Showroom Locator.
When: Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 4-8 pm
Food and Drinks: Bar Opens at 4:30 pm, Dinner (Fay’s BBQ) served at 6 pm
RSVP: Required by April 2 on our EventBrite page or contact Allyson Sanchez with all attendee names at 847-742-2000 or
We look forward to seeing you there!
When you start thinking of remodeling your kitchen, it can be overwhelmi...
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