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Kitchen Memories: Growing up on the farm.

It goes without saying that Seigle’s loves kitchens—but the story behind our love for kitchen extends beyond just the cabinets and countertops. We know that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Every day, it’s the place where meals are prepared and shared, homework is finished, the day’s events are discussed and dissected, and the mess and best of life happens. On holidays and gatherings, it’s where catching up and action originates. Ultimately, it’s where memories are made. This is why we love to build functional, beautiful kitchens—because your story starts here, and your memories will live here.

We love to hear your favorite kitchen memories. Seigle’s designer Kay Himmelman fondly remembers her unique experience growing up on a farm with her family.



I was a lucky kid. I grew up on a farm the youngest of four kids—I had two older brothers that picked on me like brothers do and an older sister whom I adored. I had great parents, and we lived with my grandma, who I loved lots. We had chickens, pigs, milking cows, beef cows, and in the summer a huge garden. Organic was a word I never heard as a kid, but most of the food we ate came from the farm.


Cows were milked twice a day, eggs were picked once a day, and in the summer, we picked fresh vegetables every day. We also had an apple tree with 5 different types of apples. (I was told grafting did this.)

Dad would do his morning chores and then come in for breakfast. Supper was the meal we all ate together at night. Dinners were Sundays at noon or on holidays.


My mom was a great cook. The coffee was made with an egg at every meal and smelled great! All cookies and cakes were made from scratch, and mom baked and cooked all the time. Chicken dinners were chicken from—well you know where and how. The freezer got filled with our own beef or pork, and summers were busy with canning and freezing fresh vegetables. My favorite was fresh corn on the cob. Dad would pick sweet corn from the field in the afternoon, and we all would devour it a few hours later.

Like most kids I helped in the kitchen (some), but was probably more of a pain for my mom than a help. It wasn’t until I got married and had two of my own kids that I realized how lucky I was and how smart my parents actually were.


One of my favorite memories as an adult was spending time back at home with my mom learning how to can and freeze. Dad would keep an eye on the kids while mom and I canned applesauce, peaches, and tomatoes. I also can make a gravy with no lumps, and if my hubby and I are going to a family picnic, I have to bring mom’s baked beans. These take three days to make! I have all my mom’s recipes, and one of these days am going to make my hubby her Twinkie Cake.


I am so spoiled that I cannot eat canned vegetables, name-brand applesauce is not the same, and grocery store tomatoes are not real tomatoes!!!


Thank you, Kay!

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