Kay Himmelman has been a kitchen and bath designer at Seigles for nearly 26 years. We sat down with her to get to know more about what makes her tick. Read on to find out more about her favorite and least favorite design features, and even her guilty pleasure and what tops her bucket list.
What is your favorite thing about working at Seigles?
The people. My coworkers are wonderful, and I meet the nicest people as clients.
What is your favorite project you have worked on and why?
I have been part of a team that put a house back together after a disaster. To see a house before and after, and be a part of this, is fulfilling.
What is your favorite option in today’s kitchens?
Stacked crown, which we can even do in an 8 ft kitchen.
Over your many years in the business, what was the worst design trend you encountered?
Pickled oak.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Peanut M&Ms.
What is the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done?
Parachuting out of a plane, and more recently flying in a helicopter.
What is your favorite room in your house?
My sun room.
If you had a 25 hour day while everyone else has only 24, what would you do with your extra time?
What is the top item on your bucket list?
Be on the Family Feud.
The most used items in your kitchen are those plates and bowls. Every da...
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