We are excited to welcome Judy Anderson to the Seigle’s team! Judy is joining the team as an Assistant Sales Representative. She’s worked in the industry since 1987, including 7 years at Seigle’s in the past. We sat down with Judy to get to know what makes her tick. Read on to find out more about her favorite past project, which question she found silly, and her guilty pleasure, and more!
What is your favorite thing about working at Seigles?
I enjoy the Seigle’s work culture because it is so positive and professional and it feels like a large family. For the customer this means everyone prides themselves in doing a good job and creating a positive shopping experience.
What is your favorite project you’ve worked on and why?
I have so many favorite projects, but one stands out as unique—a house for guests who hunt in a beautiful rural setting in Galena. It included 2 kitchens and numerous bedrooms with private baths—lovely home, fun people.
What is your favorite option in today’s kitchens?
My favorite option in kitchen storage today is the waste and recycling cabinet.
Over your many years in the business, what’s the worst design trend you’ve encountered?
Gallery plate rails and pickled finish cabinets.
If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us?
Southern comfort food and a decadent dessert.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I am addicted to gardening and flowers, so I can’t resist buying just one more.
What is the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done?
Rock climbing.
What is your favorite room in your house?
Silly question! My favorite room in my house is the kitchen, of course.
If you had a 25 hour day while everyone else has only 24, what would you do with your extra time?
Yoga class.
What is the top item on your bucket list?
Traveling to the Holy Land is a dream of mine.
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The most used items in your kitchen are those plates and bowls. Every da...
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