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Meet the Team: Mike Manke

MikeMankeLrgMike Manke has been a designer and salesman at Seigle’s for three years! We sat down with Mike to get to know what makes him tick. Read on to find out more about his interests in cabinetry, food, and hobbies!

What is your role at Seigle’s? I am the designer and sales team at our Elgin location.

What is your favorite thing about working at Seigle’s? These people are a stitch to work with. There isn’t a day that we don’t laugh.

What is your favorite project you’ve worked on and why? I don’t have just one that stands out as a favorite yet. There are so many that have such cool things we’ve done!

What is your favorite option in today’s kitchens? BIG DRAWERS.

Over your many years in the business, what was the worst design trend you encountered? Pickled Oak.

If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us? Grilled steak, grilled veggies.

What’s your guilty pleasure? French fries…love them!

What is the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done? 47 MPH on my snow board.

What is your favorite room in your house? The great room (leather couch).

If you had a 25 hour day while everyone else had only 24, what would you do with your extra time? I’d have to take the Ducati for a ride.

What is the top item on your bucket list? One big trip visiting Spain,Italy, and Rome.

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