We are excited to announce Nancy Guthrie has been promoted to Assistant General Manager at Seigle’s. Nancy has a background in accounting in the Elgin area—she had an independent public accounting and tax practice for 30 years. In 2009, Mark Seigle, president of Seigle’s, called Nancy to work as Seigle’s outside CPA. As Assistant General Manager, she will continue to be responsible for all accounting, credit, and HR functions, and in her new position, she supervises the account representatives that serve the company in sales, purchasing, accounts payable, and reception. We sat down with Nancy to get to know what makes her tick. Read on to find out about her promotion, her skills, her guilty pleasure, and more!
What attracted you to want to work for Seigle’s?
When I was considering selling my practice in 2016, I reached out to Mark Seigle about his administrative assistant position. With our great working relationship, I knew it would be a solid foundation for a new kind of work experience.
We want to celebrate you as the first female member of Seigle’s management team. Can you comment on that?
Thank you. I don’t perceive it as a “thing” at Seigle’s. I am not sensitive to the distinction because in my accounting practice, I worked in an advisory and often decision-making role with many clients—just in smaller doses. I was blessed that the perception of my professional designation opened doors for me ahead of and without issues of being female. I think my nature, being female is a strength for the consultative and teaching aspect of my work then and now.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Knitting while binging old movies or TV series.
What is your favorite room in your house?
The one with all of the yarn and paint!
If you had a 25 hour day while everyone else has only 24, what would you do with your extra time?
Finish a painting.
If we came to your house for dinner, what would we expect?
Probably a smorgasbord of crazy appetizers—oh, and caramel shortbread bars for dessert (inside joke).
What is the most thrilling thing you’ve ever done?
Travel to Uganda with my daughters to work with some young girls living in a shelter from trafficking.
What is the top item on your bucket list?
Thanks, Nancy, and congratulations! We are excited for your leadership as Assistant General Manager.
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