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Customer Spotlight: Check Out the Gorgeous Remodeling at Main Street

At Seigle’s we are proud to have so many devoted customers. It tells us we are honoring our philosophy to Deliver Value, Keep Promises, and Be the Best. We recently spoke with Bryan Jordan, Owner of Main Street Remodeling. We’ve been doing business with Bryan since 1994.

Main Street Main Street started in 2010 primarily as a bathroom remodeling company, but they have since expanded into kitchens, additions, as well as new construction homes. There are 4 partners at Main Street Remodeling: Tom Ryan, John Murphy, Arnie Harris, and Bryan Jordan. All partners came from the home building industry either as a trade/supplier or builder.

Seigle’s often works with Main Street on bathroom remodels. As a service provider for one of the largest home improvement companies in the world, Main Street Remodeling completes close to 250 bathrooms each year. “Working with Seigle’s enables us to have the cabinets we need to complete these projects with ease,” said Bryan.

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We asked Brian to tell us about a recent project he completed with Seigle’s:

“We recently built a single family home on Diamond Lake in Mundelein. The home has 9 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, and a full bar in the basement. One of the nice things about Seigle’s is its one-stop shopping for our customers. They are able to meet with a designer and see all of the products and features that are available. On this project, our customers went with two different cabinet manufacturers in order to stay within their budget. We used Diamond Cabinets in the kitchens and Aristokraft in the bathrooms and bar.”

Why does Main Street Remodeling choose Seigle’s? “Having spent the bulk of our careers working in the home building industry, the last thing we can afford to do is to purchase cheap cabinets through an unreliable supplier,” said Bryan. “Seigle’s value, customer service and quality of products offered makes choosing them a no brainer. ”

We love working with Main Street Remodeling on their beautiful homes! Thank you for allowing us to serve your cabinetry needs.

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