Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom? We’ve got a great deal cooking at Seigle’s—receive a Weber Genesis E-310 Propane Gas Grill free when you purchase $10,000 or more in product from Seigle’s between April 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015! (Existing customers must exceed prior year’s purchases by that same amount.)*
Now you can upgrade your kitchen and your patio in one sweep! The Weber Genesis E-310 is a gas BBQ grill that offers:
• Three stainless steel burners
• 38,000 BTU main burners
• Total cooking area=637 sq. in.
• Porcelain enameled cast iron cooking grate
• Porcelain enameled Flavorizer bars and lid
• Center-mounted burner controls
So stop by your nearest Seigle’s location today to get your kitchen or bathroom remodel started and be on your way to your shiny new fabulous grill!
Make an appointment below.
*Limit one per customer. Not valid on existing orders. Customer is responsible for redemption.
When you start thinking of remodeling your kitchen, it can be overwhelmi...
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