You never think more about which features you wish you had in your kitchen than around the holidays. Big, multi-course meals with tons of sides tend to do that to a person. With safety precautions in place, even if your family celebration is going to be smaller this year, the feast must go on! And this means you’ll be wishing for all the things that make a kitchen glorious.
Seigle’s remodeled a ton of Chicago area kitchens this year, and we love to imagine our happy customers experiencing their first holidays in a new kitchen. We looked back at some of our recent remodels and pulled the features we are sure are going to make their holiday cooking sessions great!
Check out these gorgeous kitchens, and get dreaming about how you can remodel your kitchen soon to be featured in our roundup (and more importantly, enjoying your fab new kitchen) next year!
Get a whole assembly line of prep going with all this countertop space. In fact, there’s so much space here that in 2020, you can keep your distance from your fellow chefs!
Many of our remodels feature stacked double ovens. Imagine all of the cooking you can get done at once!
Serious gourmet chefs, look out! This arrangement is begging to be a multitask-city.
No need to turn your back here! Entertain and enjoy company while cooking.
A beautiful, oversized island goes a long way for offering the maximum amount of prep or serving space.
Invite even more guests with seating options that won’t quit. And a beverage bar can make entertaining a snap.
Interested in remodeling your kitchen with Seigle’s? It’s easy to get started—we can even do our initial call via Zoom! We can help you from start to finish, with free design and estimates, and even financing with Greensky and install through our ProInstall program.